Abby Westover

Abby Westover

Class of 2017, Medieval World
Administrative Officer, National Print Museum (Dublin, Ireland)
Abby Westover

Thesis Title: Hair and Female Agency in the European Middle Ages

What Now: Administrative Officer, National Print Museum (Dublin, Ireland)

What Next: Continue working in museums and the heritage sector

Follow Me: @abigailwestover94 (Instagram)

One of the most valuable parts of my experience in History & Literature was realizing the importance of diversity in education. The interdisciplinary focus of Hist & Lit allowed me a freedom to approach topics, issues, and authors from many different perspectives. My thesis followed this type of rubric, focusing on one specific theme (women's hair in the Middle Ages) and addressing its significance from many different angles. Hist & Lit also encouraged me to study abroad, adding further complexity not only to my academic experience but also to my personal life.

This type of mentality, where no part of culture is deemed unworthy to be scrutinized and all aspects of life are inextricably connected, has shaped my career outlook. Though I'm not pursuing a future in academia, there are still so many opportunities in which the humanities play a central role. After graduating, I spent time working in cultural institutions (Dumbarton Oaks and the Folger Shakespeare Library), then switched gears a bit to work in cultural diplomacy (at Meridian International Center) before moving to Ireland to undertake a Master's degree in Public History & Cultural Heritage. Now, I'm working at the National Print Museum in Dublin, a small, incredibly charming museum dedicated to preserving the craft of letterpress printing for future generations. It's been amazing to realize that I can retain my passion for the humanities through diverse and impactful tracks, and I have Hist & Lit to thank for that.